curriculum refresh


July Newsletter 2024

June 23, 2024
The July newsletter contains excerpts from the recently released Ministry Advisory Group (MAG) report pertaining to the teaching and learning of mathematics. I have not made comment as I think teachers need to read and think for themselves in the contexts of their own class...
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March Newsletter 2024

February 25, 2024
Take a look at the ERO research document on the teaching of mathematics to year 1 - 3...
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February Newsletter 2024

January 26, 2024
Shared from Jo Boaler - Developing a positive Relationship with Maths. Update on Curriculum Refresh and Graduated problems on the theme of vegetables....
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Designing a Maths Programme

November 3, 2023
What do you need to consider when designing a maths programme. Created from information from Associate Professor Fiona Ell & Dr Lisa Darragh from the Universtiy of Auckland....
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October Newsletter 2023

October 12, 2023
Compulsory requirements for maths and digital technology in the classroom...
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September Newsletter 2023

September 3, 2023
This months newsletter focuses on the "understand", Big ideas behind the mathematics and statistics learning area in the curriculum refresh. Do your beliefs align with the writers beliefs?...
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I have extracted the statements referring to algebra for the first 4 phases in the Curriculum refresh to give an indicative guide to a progression. These statements refer specifically to patterning and symbols and expressions but are also relevant to the addition & subtr...
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I have extracted the statements referring to multiplication and division for the first 4 phases in the Curriculum refresh to give an indicative guide to a progression. I am disappointed to see no reference to arrays which are crucial to thinking multiplicatively....
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Extracted statements relating to addition and subtraction from the number and algebra sections of the curriculum refresh to give a progression guide...
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I have extracted place value as a progression from the curriculum refresh. There is an awful lot of understanding underpinning these few statements which will be dependent on teacher knowledge of the number system....
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